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All-Ireland GAA Senior Football Championship 1999

GAA Crest 20th Century [References: C-100]


All-Ireland GAA Senior Football Championship 1999

Match Day Semi-Finals
2-12 (18) - 0-12 (12)
All-Ireland GAA Football Senior Championship

Cork vs Mayo

0-15 (15) - 2-5 (11)
All-Ireland GAA Football Senior Championship

Meath vs Antrim

Match Day All-Ireland SFC Final
(All-Ireland SFC Final)
1-11 (14) - 1-8 (11)
All-Ireland GAA Football Senior Championship

Meath vs Cork

Scoreboard compiled from Scoreboards in [References: S2-S3]


After defeating Ulster Champions Armagh by four points (0-15 to 2-5), Leinster Champions Meath then conquered Munster Champions Cork by 1-11 to 1-8 in the All-Ireland GAA Senior Football Championship Final on 26th September 1999 in Croke Park. Cork had eliminated Connacht Champions Mayo 2-12 to 0-12 in the other Semi-Final. [References: S-2 to S-3]

About the All-Ireland GAA SFC 1999

The All-Ireland Championship is the climax to the GAA Football season, with the four Provcincial Champions in 1999 meeting in a single elimination (knockout) series to determine the Inter-County Men’s Gaelic Football Champions. The Senior Football Championship (SFC) is the Premier Inter-County Adult Men’s Gaelic Football Competition. [References: S2-S3, 5-7]



[C-100] Wikipedia (2020) Gaelic_Athletic_Association [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 11 November 2020]


[S-2] Cumann Lúthchleas Gael (1999) “1999 Senior Football Championship Scoreboard” p.45; “An Mhí” p. 39; “Corcaigh” p. 51; Centre Pages p. 48-49. Cluichí Ceannais Peile na hÉireann. 26 Mean Fomhair 1999.

[S-3] GAA (2017) “Football: Championship Results: Senior: 1999”. The Complete Handbook of Gaelic Games – Full Record from 1887 to 2017 Inclusive. p.154. DBA Publications. Blackrock. Co. Dublin


[5] GAA (2022) About the GAA [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 30 January 2022]

[6] GAA (2022) Our Games [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 30 January 2022]

[7] GAA (2022) Gaelic Football [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 30 January 2022]

GAA Crest references

[3] Mayo GAA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, December 26, 2021 [Internet] Available from: %5BAccessed 27 January 2022][Actual Crest Reference at: %5BAccessed 27 January 2022]

[16] McGrane Physio (2015) logos-aboutus-meath [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 3 July 2021]

[20] Cork GAA (2019) logoofoot [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 3 July 2021]

[25] Armagh GAA (2021) armagh-gaa-logo-01 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 June 2021]


Thanks to Michael O’Callaghan, Pippo O’Grady, Edmund Corrigan & Decy Maher


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive / GAA World Archive

Last Updated: 23 April 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

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