Celtic Games

Celtic Games include Scottish Shinty (a Scottish Gaelic version of Hurling), Welsh Baseball (A traditional Welsh and Liverpudlian version of Rounders or Baseball), Manx Cammag (An uncodified version of Hurling from the third Gaelic region: Isle of Man), Cornish Hurling (An uncodified version of Rugby Football from the small British Celtic region), and the Gaelic Athletic Association regions of Galicia GAA (North West Iberia – Spain & Portugal) and Brittany GAA (North West Gaul – France) where 13-v-13 versions of Gaelic Football are played by the Native Galicians and Bretons.

Scottish Shinty

Shinty is Gaelic Scotland’s traditional version of Hurling. It is one of the forgotten Gaelic, Celtic or Atlantic Games like Basque Pelota and Welsh Baseball, played mostly in Gaelic parts of Scotland like the Highlands and Islands. The game is very similar to Hurling, with a curved stick used to hit a ball through a goal, except there is no point-over-the-bar and less play in the air. The game is 12-a-side as opposed to Hurling’s 15-a-side. The Shinty National League Division 1 was the Second Level of Men’s Shinty from 2004 to 2007. Incuded here is Cornish Hurling and Manx Cammag. See also International Rules:

Shinty Matches in Ireland

Shinty Charity Match

Shinty Charity Match:

Irish Shinty Charity Match 2010

Picture Credit: [1] The 42.ie (2019) “17 counties represented in Ireland squad to face Scotland in shinty international” 31 October, 2019 [Internet] Available from: https://www.the42.ie/ireland-scotland-hurling-shinty-squad-4873548-Oct2019/ [Photo Caption]: “Ireland Players Celebrate with the Cup following the 2015 Victory” [Internet] Available from: https://img2.thejournal.ie/article/4873548/river?version=4873574&width=1340 [Accessed 9 April 2020]

Camanachd Association National Leagues

Camanachd Association Senior Leagues 2021; Premier League era 2004-2019; National Premier era 2000-2003

Camanachd Association Premier League (Overviews):

Camanachd Association Shinty National Premier League 2000-2003

Camanachd Association Shinty Premier League 2004-2007

Camanachd Association Shinty Premier Division 2008-2012

Camanachd Association Shinty Premiership 2013-2019

Camanachd Association Senior League (Seasons):

Senior A 2021 Senior B 2021 Shinty C 2021

CA Premiership (Seasons): 2017 2018 2019

Camanachd Association National League (Overviews):

Camanachd Association Shinty National League Division 1 2000-2003

Camanachd Association Shinty National League Division 1 2004-2007

Camanachd Association Shinty National Division 2016-2019

CA National League (Seasons): 2017 2018 2019

Picture Credit: [2] Fort William Facebook Page (2019) Cover Photo, March 9, 2019 [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/53833633_1188317731329128_7717768416563560448_o.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=pW3Jc6uw36MAX_sTZSd&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&tp=6&oh=12aa55908e613341750b6d87d2ba2a82&oe=5FF20BF2 [Accessed 6 December 2020]

Camanachd Associatio Logo

Camanachd Association North Region Leagues

Shinty North Region

Camanachd Association North Division 1 (Overviews):

Camanachd Association Shinty North Division 1 2000-2003

Camanachd Association Shinty North Division 1 2004-2007

Camanachd Association Shinty North Division 1 2016-2019

Camanachd Association North Division 2 (Overviews)

Camanachd Association Shinty North Division 2 2004-2007

Camanachd Association Shinty Marine Harvest North Division 2 2000-2003

CA North Division 1 (Seasons:): 2017 2018

CA North Division 2 (Seasons:): 2017 2018

Logo Refernece: [1] Camanachd Association (2017) Camanachd Association Logo [Internet] https://www.shinty.com/uploads/news-images/_w800fit/camanach-logo-wide.jpg [Accessed 9 March 2018]

Camanachd Associatio Logo

Camanachd Association South Region Leagues

Shinty South

Camanachd Association South Division 1 (Overviews):

Camanachd Association Shinty South Division 1 2000-2003

Camanachd Association Shinty South Division 1 2004-2007

Camanachd Association Shinty South Division 1 2016-2019

Camanachd Association South Division 2 (Overviews):

Camanachd Association Shinty Marine Harvest South Division 2 2000-2003

CA South Division 1 (Seasons): 2017 2018

CA South Division 2 (Seasons): 2017 2018

Logo Reference: [1] Camanachd Association (2017) Camanachd Association Logo [Internet] https://www.shinty.com/uploads/news-images/_w800fit/camanach-logo-wide.jpg [Accessed 9 March 2018]

Camanachd Associatio Logo

Camanachd Association Cups

Camanachd Association Cups

CA Camanachd Cup (Seasons): 2017

CA Macauley Cup (Seasons): 2017

CA Sutherland Cup (Seasons): 2017

Other Cups (Annual Challenge Cups)

Camanachd Association Shinty Lovat Cup 2016-2020

Logo Reference: [1] Camanachd Association (2017) Camanachd Association Logo [Internet] https://www.shinty.com/uploads/news-images/_w800fit/camanach-logo-wide.jpg [Accessed 9 March 2018]

Women’s Camanachd Association


Women’s Camanachd Association National Division 1 (Overviews):

Women’s Camanachd Association Shinty National Division 1 2004-2005

Women’s Camanachd Association National Division 1 2016-2018

PIcture Credit: Willie Urquhart: [6] West Highland Free Press (2018) SKYE-CAMANACHD-LADIES-LEAGUE-WINNERS-18-1 [Internet] Available from: https://www.whfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/SKYE-CAMANACHD-LADIES-LEAGUE-WINNERS-18-1.jpg%5BAccessed 22 November 2020]

Camanachd Associatio Logo

Scottish Universities Shinty

Scottish Universities Shinty

Shinty Universities (Overviews)

Scottish Universities Shinty Men’s Division 2009-2011

Logo Reference: [1] Camanachd Association (2017) Camanachd Association Logo [Internet] https://www.shinty.com/uploads/news-images/_w800fit/camanach-logo-wide.jpg [Accessed 9 March 2018]

Cornish Hurling and Manx Cammag

Cornish Hurling and Manx Cammag are uncodified versions of Shinty or Hurling played in the small Celtic county of Cornwall in the extreme South West of England, and the Isle of Man.

Cornish Hurling & Manx Cammag

Manx Cammag; Cornish Hurling.

Manx Cammag

Manx Cammag North v South on St. Stephen’s Day 2015-Present

Cornish Hurling (Hurling the Silver Ball):

Cornish Hurling Town v Country Shrove Tuesday at St Columb 1950-2005

Cornish Hurling Town v Country Second Saturday After Shrove Tuesday 1950-2005

[1] North American Manx Association (2015) “DSCF2438” [Internat] Available from: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4Yay0i0iKzc/VoK2Kbk6aOI/AAAAAAAABiU/19fGAhbeWwM/s1600/DSCF2438%2B%25282%2529.JPG %5BAccessed 11 November 2020]

Welsh Baseball

Welsh Baseball is a version of Rounders played primarily in South Wales, and also in Liverpool, where it is known as English Baseball. It is like a cross between Baseball, Rounders and Cricket. During the latter half of the 19th Century, the famous A.G. Spalding of Major League Baseball fame organised a Baseball Tour of England and Ireland, and in the process played a number of games against English and Welsh Rounders teams, who adopted some of the rules (such as tagging a playerout with the ball and two-handed batting). It kept the poles rather than flat bases and left the diamond in an irregular shape with all four sides unequal in length. Welsh Baseball also has a bat more like a Cricket Bat than a Baseball Bat, and it tapers towards the handle. According to sources in referenced in the articles below, Irish immigrants to Liverpool and South Wales were numerous among the Working Classes playing the game in the 20th Century. It is still played in South Wales and Liverpool but is now mostly a Children’s and Teenagers Game.

Welsh Ladies Baseball Union

Wrlsh Ladies Baseball Union

WLBU Premier Divison Overviews:

Welsh Ladies Baseball Union Premier Division 2012-2018

WLBU Division 1 Overviews:

Welsh Ladies Baseball Union Division 1 2012-2018

white baseball ball on brown leather baseball mitt

Welsh Baseball Union

Welsh Baseball Union

WBU Premier Division (Overviews):

Welsh Baseball Union Premier Division 2012-2014

Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Manx Cammag

a man wearing red jacket doing peace sign

Manx Cammag

Manx Cammag; Cornish Hurling;

Picture Credit: pexels.com

Cornish Hurling

snow sea landscape nature

Cornish Hurling

Manx Cammag; Cornish Hurling;

Cornish Hurling (Hurling the Silver Ball):

Picture credit: Pexels.com

Galicia GAA

Within Europe GAA, there are two Countries / Regions where the Gaelic Football is played entirely by Natives in small towns and villages like in Ireland: Brittany (NW France) and Galicia (NW Iberia – Spain/Portugal). These two Celtic Countries both have Men’s and Women’s Leagues played on a weekly basis, rather than in tournaments like in the other World Games Counties.

Asociacion Galega de Futbol Gaelico [References: 2]

References – Header Logo

[2] Asociacion Galega de Futbol Gaelico – Blogspot (2017) Asociacion Galega de Futbol Gaelico Logo [Internet] Available from: https://eirball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/73e5b-repolo.png [Accessed 27 August 2017]

Galician Gaelic Football League – Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico

AGFG – Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico Men’s Division 1

Galicia GAA Galician Gaelic Football League Men’s Division 1 2013-2019

AGFG – Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico Men’s Division 2

Galicia GAA Galician Gaelic Football League Men’s Division 2 2015-2017

Brittany GAA

Within Europe GAA, there are two Countries / Regions where the Gaelic Football is played entirely by Native Bretons in small towns and villages like in Ireland: Brittany (NW France) and Galicia (NW Iberia – Spain/Portugal). These two Celtic Countries both have Men’s and Women’s Leagues played on a weekly basis, rather than in tournaments like in the other World Games Counties.

Lig Breizhat Mell-droad Gouezelek Logo [References: 2]

References – Header Logo

[2] Brittany GAA Facebook (2011) Profile Picture, December 6, 2011 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=156933231073148&set=a.156578797775258 [Accessed 12 November 2020]

Lig Breizhat Mell-droad Gouezelek – Ligue Bretonne de Football Gaelique

Brittany GAA Lig Breizhat Mell-droad Gouezelek – Ligue Bretonne de Football Gaelique (Overviews)

Brittany GAA Brittany Gaelic Football League Men 2011-2014

Brittany GAA Brittany Gaelic Football League Men Division 1 2015-2019